Fixed Income Leaders Summit 2016 (past event)
08 - 10 November, 2016
44(0) 207 368 9540
Rich Winter
Senior Managing Director
BGC Partners
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Rich.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 1- Wednesday 9th November 2016
Thursday, November 10th, 2016
14:00 360° Perspective: The changing role of IDBs- How are they reshaping themselves to offer an alternative liquidity service to the buy side?
How will IDBs provide increased and alternative access to liquidity for buy side firms?
How has the IDB market evolved over the last 18 months and how are they now offering additional liquidity to the buy side?
Is the traditional role of an IDB over- What is the transformational process that the IDB’s are going through?
How will IDB’s work with both buy and sell side firms and offer value on both sides of the market?
The transformation from the traditional IDB role to trading platforms- How have they transitioned into a suitable platform for the buy side?